Monday, February 2, 2015


Today mr. or ms., insignifiant whomever is comng by to get the kids for dinner...
First lets retract a bit. Kids are goats and children are human. Unless of coasre they are acting like the ex. then it's, you better get your bbbbaaad self the hell over here.

For many, when the insignificant other shows up for, good guy or good gal time the air can seem a bit charged. The children don't want to go but the court orders it. The insignificant doesn't understand the push back and makes it mandatory. The kids come back amped up on starbucks again and you get to try to put the to bed in ten minutes.

So,what to do,... well, a realization check is in need. Although the insignificant other is not significant to you any longer, they are significant to the children. Why then do they say that they don't want to go with them? It's simply, allegiances. They are having to deal with the residual fall out of your bad choice. Because you folks chose to go seperate ways, you've now cut them down the middle and they don't like dealing with the pain.

As an adult you get to go drown your memories of confusion and pain in an ocean of unbridled sexual exploration. While the children are having to tread water in an already dead relationship and symotaneously attempting to build another while being a "child".

So now their focus is having to deal with what mom wants/what dad wants. Instead of them just being a... ok I'll say it.. Kid. Really?

Next blog.... what to do to restore some sanity...